

$ cohesion --help

cohesion [options] <command> [command options]

  cohesion show [options] <command>              Show information
  cohesion dump [options] <file>                 Dump serialised file
  cohesion scanner [options] <target>            Scan target
  cohesion spider [options] <target>             Spider target
  cohesion fuzzer [options] <target>             Fuzz target
  cohesion proxy [options] <target>              Start proxy - co-pilot mode
  cohesion swagger [options] <file> <directory>  Parse swagger file and dump sample requests to directory
  cohesion license [options]                     Show license
  cohesion docs [options]                        Show help and documentation

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]
$ cohesion scanner --help

cohesion scanner [options] <target>

Scan target

  --version          Show version number  [boolean]
  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  --verbose, -v      Verbose output  [count]
  --concurrency, -c  Concurrency  [number] [default: 6]
  --exit             Exit when level is matching  [string]
  --exit-code        Exit code  [number] [default: 1]
  --ping, -p         Ping URL when vulnerability is found  [string]
  --ping-level       Ping only when level is matching  [string]
  --tests, -t        Selected tests  [array] [default: ["*"]]
  --wait, -w         Wait for URL to be available  [string]
  --wait-delay, -d   Seconds delay between intervals  [number] [default: 10]
  --wait-count, -n   Nuber of iterations to wait for  [number] [default: 100]
  --header           Header  [array]
  --exec             Exec command  [string]
  --export-log       Export output log  [string]
  --export-csv       Export report in CSV to file  [string]
  --export-xml       Export report in XML to file  [string]
  --export-json      Export report in JSON to file  [string]
  --export-html      Export report in HTML to file  [string]
  --target-func      Execute function for each loaded target  [string]
$ cohesion spider --help

cohesion spider [options] <target>

Spider target

  --version          Show version number  [boolean]
  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  --verbose, -v      Verbose output  [count]
  --concurrency, -c  Concurrency  [number] [default: 6]
  --exit             Exit when level is matching  [string]
  --exit-code        Exit code  [number] [default: 1]
  --wait, -w         Wait for URL to be available  [string]
  --wait-delay, -d   Seconds delay between intervals  [number] [default: 10]
  --wait-count, -n   Nuber of iterations to wait for  [number] [default: 100]
  --header           Header  [array]
  --exec             Exec command  [string]
  --export-log       Export output log  [string]
  --export-csv       Export report in CSV to file  [string]
  --export-xml       Export report in XML to file  [string]
  --export-json      Export report in JSON to file  [string]
  --export-html      Export report in HTML to file  [string]
  --target-func      Execute function for each loaded target  [string]
$ cohesion fuzzer --help

cohesion fuzzer [options] <target>

Fuzz target

  --version          Show version number  [boolean]
  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  --verbose, -v      Verbose output  [count]
  --concurrency, -c  Concurrency  [number] [default: 6]
  --exit             Exit when level is matching  [string]
  --exit-code        Exit code  [number] [default: 1]
  --ping, -p         Ping URL when vulnerability is found  [string]
  --ping-level       Ping only when level is matching  [string]
  --tests, -t        Selected tests  [array] [default: ["*"]]
  --wait, -w         Wait for URL to be available  [string]
  --wait-delay, -d   Seconds delay between intervals  [number] [default: 10]
  --wait-count, -n   Nuber of iterations to wait for  [number] [default: 100]
  --header           Header  [array]
  --exec             Exec command  [string]
  --export-log       Export output log  [string]
  --export-csv       Export report in CSV to file  [string]
  --export-xml       Export report in XML to file  [string]
  --export-json      Export report in JSON to file  [string]
  --export-html      Export report in HTML to file  [string]
  --target-func      Execute function for each loaded target  [string]
$ cohesion proxy --help

cohesion proxy [options] <target>

Start proxy - co-pilot mode

  --version          Show version number  [boolean]
  --help             Show help  [boolean]
  --verbose, -v      Verbose output  [count]
  --concurrency, -c  Concurrency  [number] [default: 6]
  --exit             Exit when level is matching  [string]
  --exit-code        Exit code  [number] [default: 1]
  --ping, -p         Ping URL when vulnerability is found  [string]
  --ping-level       Ping only when level is matching  [string]
  --tests, -t        Selected tests  [array] [default: ["*"]]
  --proxy, -x        Proxy address  [string] [default: "9090"]
  --wait, -w         Wait for URL to be available  [string]
  --wait-delay, -d   Seconds delay between intervals  [number] [default: 10]
  --wait-count, -n   Nuber of iterations to wait for  [number] [default: 100]
  --header           Header  [array]
  --exec             Exec command  [string]
  --export-log       Export output log  [string]
  --export-csv       Export report in CSV to file  [string]
  --export-xml       Export report in XML to file  [string]
  --export-json      Export report in JSON to file  [string]
  --export-html      Export report in HTML to file  [string]
  --target-func      Execute function for each loaded target  [string]
$ cohesion swagger --help

cohesion swagger [options] <file> <directory>

Parse swagger file and dump sample requests to directory

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]
$ cohesion dump --help

cohesion dump [options] <file>

Dump serialised file

  --version       Show version number  [boolean]
  --help          Show help  [boolean]
  --output, -o    Output to file  [string]
  --jsonpath, -j  JSON path expression for filtering  [string]
$ cohesion show --help

cohesion show [options] <command>

Show information

  cohesion show vulns   Show vulnerabilities
  cohesion show levels  Show severity levels
  cohesion show tests   Show available tests

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]
$ cohesion docs --help

cohesion docs [options]

Show help and documentation

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]
$ cohesion license --help

cohesion license [options]

Show license

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]
Shell Scripting